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Water Care Advice

Waterguru Enables New Pool Service Operation in Rural Alabama

Summary: Grant from Leeds, Alabama, found the WaterGuru SENSE to be an innovative solution to his pool chemistry issues, and it inspired him to start his own pool maintenance company. Grant's plan is to use the WaterGuru mobile app and device to create a new approach to pool maintenance. The app would enable him to monitor pools remotely and only make visits when chemical adjustments were necessary. Grant believes that the WaterGuru SENSE could revolutionize the pool service industry by making it more efficient. The pool industry does not yet acknowledge this problem, but WaterGuru intends to change that by creating a new channel specifically for pool service industry professionals.

Alabama Man Uses WaterGuru to Create a New Career and Improves the Pool Service Industry’s Overall Business Model


This case study may read a bit differently than anything that has been produced thus far by WaterGuru, reader beware. This case study is almost a dual expository in that it reveals how the WaterGuru SENSE not only solved someone’s pool chemistry issues, in this case a man named Grant from a tiny town in Alabama called Leeds, which sits right on the border with Mississippi. It also gave Grant the vision to create a new job for himself as the owner of a swimming pool maintenance company; one that will be powered by the WaterGuru SENSE and its mobile app, and potentially forever change how the pool maintenance industry works, and its efficiencies from the highest levels. 

The idea for Grant’s pool service company stemmed from how easy the WaterGuru was to use on his own swimming pool, how much it taught him about pool chemistry and how well-balanced his pool water has stayed since he bought the WaterGuru two years ago. From Grant’s perspective the WaterGuru SENSE device is an amazing piece of innovation, but what really got him thinking down a business plan path was the Water Guru’s mobile app. Grant envisioned that with the app enabled along with notifications, assuming each of his customers owned a WaterGuru, he would only need to make visits when the customer’s swimming pool needed an adjustment. The concept of the pool service visiting every Monday at 10:00 a.m. would become obsolete. Instead, the pool service would have a daily window into each customer’s pool and when chemical adjustments needed to be made they would schedule a time to make them. Even better, they would know exactly what to add, and how much to add before arriving. 

The WaterGuru SENSE, as Grant has proven, is potentially a huge efficiency tool for all pool service providers, but for Grant it means a bit more considering he lives in a town of 12,000 people that doesn’t even get pool service, because no one near offers it. His town needs him. 

“The reason I am doing this as a side thing is because the health department does not regulate our public pools, at least in our county,” he says. “Down near the coast, the health department gets involved, but not here. Someone has to do something. I don't have to have two readings a day or anything like that for a pool to keep it open, but that is what the health department would require of public or commercial swimming pools if they regulated our county. With the WaterGuru app I can get a reading as many times a day as I want, and as a result I plan on having a WaterGuru in every pool that I maintain at the start of the season. That includes the public pool, the country club pool, my residential customers and the commercial pools.” 

 The problem in Grant’s mind is that not enough people know about WaterGuru’s technology and its ability to solve so many different swimming pool-related problems, but once they do his business model falls apart. What Grant is not taking into account with that mindset, however, is that a good majority of WaterGuru SENSE customers use the mobile app to keep an eye on their pool service and keep them honest. That customer may understand pool science, but may not want to do the actual work, which is understandable. However, that window into the pool’s chemical balance - the app - is invaluable for the pool owner. Grant’s original premise - that the WaterGuru SENSE, installed at his customers’ pools, would make him more efficient which could lead to him doubling, for example, his client list - is correct.

“By having the WaterGuru SENSE in the water at each pool, I don't necessarily have to worry about pH,” he says. “I can read the chlorine and all the other data points every day. I know if we're getting low, or I know if something's getting to the point where I need to go to that pool to check on it. I mean, work smarter, not harder, right? That's just my take on it.”

Ultimately Grant’s problem is not a problem at all, but rather a solution to a problem that the pool service industry doesn’t acknowledge - massive inefficiency. Let’s be blunt - the pool industry doesn’t know they have this problem yet, because they have never heard of the WaterGuru SENSE. With people like Grant’s help, we intend to change that. We truly listen to our customers and in each case, we are often amazed by their stories and how they manipulate the WaterGuru. Its creator is proud.

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As a result of our conversations with Grant and a few other like-minded entrepreneurs, we support creating a new WaterGuru channel specifically for pool service industry service professionals. Details surrounding that channel will emerge over the next few months. As for today, any WaterGuru consumer customers who own a residential swimming pool and a SENSE unit have the ability to give their pool service professional access to their mobile app! All the pool service pro has to do is download the WaterGuru app and the pool owner simply invites them to view their pool’s data. Viola! As it would with Grant’s business, that pool service pro’s efficiencies with the WaterGuru SENSE-enabled clients would improve dramatically, along with their reputation.