Water Care Advice

How Pool Service Firms Can Use Waterguru to Win Over Homeowners with Dog
Summary: Paul faced a problem maintaining the chemical balance of his pool when his dogs always wanted to jump in. The solution he found was WaterGuru SENSE, an AKC-endorsed smart...
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Avoiding Lost Customers Due to Unknown Staff Performance Issues
Summary: This story is about Jason, a retired man who lives with his family in Santa Rosa, CA, and owns a pool used almost daily by friends and family. He...
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Waterguru Enables New Pool Service Operation in Rural Alabama
Summary: Grant from Leeds, Alabama, found the WaterGuru SENSE to be an innovative solution to his pool chemistry issues, and it inspired him to start his own pool maintenance company....
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Using Waterguru to Tune Variable Speed Pumps for Maximum Energy Savings
Summary: Texas is experiencing hotter and drier weather, resulting in increased stress on its energy grid during the summer months. Texas regulators are asking residents to reduce their energy usage...
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Healthcare Professional Improves Pool Health Using Waterguru AI
Summary: Cathy, a Pediatric ICU Nurse based in Fresno, found solace in her swimming pool during the COVID lockdown. However, before COVID, the pool had been a significant source of...
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Justin - Hawaii, WaterGuru Case Study
Summary: This story is about Justin, a Hawaiian real estate broker, building a new smart home with a large, energy-efficient swimming pool. He loves to tinker with technology and always...
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